The world of custom cars knows little of phrase "less is more". In fact, builders frequently seem to subscribe to the notion that "if some is good, some more must be better". What we see here are the classic custom body techniques of chopping, channeling and sectioning taken to the extreme. Chopping is the removal of a portion of the top that effectively reduces the height of the top by whatever amount is removed. Sectioning uses the same principal to remove a vertical portion of the body itself to further lower the silhouette of the vehicle. Channelling involves removing the entire body structure and remounting it at a lower position relative to the frame. The object of these modifications is to lower the overall height of the vehicle. But few problems quickly become obvious. First, there must be room inside for the driver and passengers. And, as seen here, the engine no longer will fit under the hood nor the wheels within the fenders. The builder of this Datsun pickup truck has addressed these problems by simply cutting away metal that would interfere with these items. In addition, this vehicle uses an air bag suspension that allows the much modified truck to sit on the ground. The result is an outrageously low custom mini truck!

Yes, you know it's low when a kid has to kneel to look into the cab!
And in case you're wondering if it can get any more ridiculous, here's proof that it can. A chopped, channeled and sectioned model A Ford sedan. Obviously the driver is barely able to see the back of the radiator, let alone what's in front of it!
This is most unusual. Just to think, we could have done that to Cady's old truck....