While such a display would hardly raise an eyebrow on most beaches in Europe, it was quite sensational here in Southern California. And in case you're wondering, I did not hide in a thicket on the edge of a secluded cove to get this picture. Nor was I using a mighty telephoto lens. No, this scene is on the city's main beach, maybe 200 feet from the Pacific Coast Highway and the downtown shopping area. And it was crowded with other sun worshipers. Before long the bare chested maiden laid down on her back and proceeded to sun her now exposed other side!
This scene continued until I eventually lost interest and headed uptown to look around and get a bite to eat. Returning to the area about 45 minutes later expecting that perhaps the girl had been arrested, or at least to have donned her top, I was surprised to find her still exactly as I'd left her! Eventually she did sit up again as though nothing at all was wrong. A couple of ladies with kids in tow made some brief remarks to her but she still seemed totally unconcerned. Unfortunately several old perverts with cameras were now present, one of them walking right by her and snapping a picture on his phone. I decided it was time to leave. Besides, I already had my pics.
I demand you remove this porn immediately. Even though she looks more like a teenage boy than a woman! Maybe she (he) is?